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Canon ED - Anti-fog eyepiece at Backoffice

Canon ED - Anti-fog eyepiece

This product is no longer available.
In cold or humid weather, the Anti-Fog Eyepiece Ed accessory attaches easily to reduce condensation and help you maintain a clear view of your subject.

Product DescriptionCanon ED - anti-fog eyepiece
Accessory TypeAnti-fog eyepiece


Accessory TypeAnti-fog eyepiece


Intended forCamera
Compatibility (Camera Model)Canon EOS 5, Canon EOS A2, Canon EOS A2E, Canon EOS 3, Canon EOS ELAN 7, Canon EOS ELAN 7e, Canon EOS 50, Canon EOS 30, Canon EOS ELAN II, Canon EOS ELAN IIE, Canon EOS 33, Canon EOS 50E