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Intel - System spare parts kit at Backoffice

Intel - System spare parts kit

This product is no longer available.
Intel is committed to providing the tools and programs to make it easier to sell and service real servers. The server spares kit is one more building block to support an Intel Real Server. Spare kits can enable integrators to offer same day service by having spares available on site. Benefits of Spares Kits are evident: Servers are mission critical - Spares Kits will allow you to offer same day service. A Single Part - No more guess work on what parts to stock for replacement. Saves Money - The kit is approximately 30% less then a complete chassis. Service Multiple Servers - One Kit can service up to 50 servers when combined with the Accelerated Warranty Replacement (AWR) Program.

Product DescriptionIntel system spare parts kit
Product TypeSystem spare parts kit
Package TypeRetail


Product TypeSystem spare parts kit


Package TypeRetail